New Trailer for The Posh Pescatarian: Appetite for Adventure is out in 4K!

My new promo is out and available in 4K and UHD! I took a surfing lesson in Laguna Beach this episode then made my instructors, Chris and Johnny, citrus marinated shrimp with mango salsa. It was a lot of fun and something that I look forward to doing again and again.

This demo was truly a labor of love and involved a few unexpected sacrifices, but we made it nonetheless. My show it typically taped in HD, but as the demand for 4K content continues to soar I needed to step up my game in order to compete with other projects. The risk paid off and there are several content buyers interested in the show. If all goes well, I will be brining the world new adventures and fabulous recipes in ultra HD very soon.

Keep me in your prayers and keep the feedback coming.

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I’m Stephanie Harris-Uyidi, affectionately known as The Posh Pescatarian. I’m a sustainable seafood enthusiast and love sharing recipes, education, and tips for making incredible pescatarian meals. I am an industry expert and an authoritative voice on the pescatarian lifestyle. When I’m not working on new recipes in my lab (AKA: my kitchen!) I enjoy traveling and learning about people, places and culture through food, ingredients, and cooking techniques. I share some of my experiences on my TV show Appetite for Adventure!



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